Thursday, April 4, 2013


Insanity is a 2 month at home work out DVD program. I have always looked at Insanity's infomercials and wanted to obtain the best body I could have. So I decided to purchase it. Ever since the my body has got better and I have so much more energy. It is the hardest workout ever put on DVD. But I cant stop now I started I think it's insane if you don't try it. I'm on my last week and I'm so excited to finish so I can have my beach body.

Spring Break

Spring break!!!! Spring break was a well needed vacation. During my spring break I hung out with friends ,spent time with my family and played basketball at the YMCA. However everything wasn't fun. Sometimes when I wouldn't be with my friends or playing basketball things got boring. So I started missing school because it gave me things to do. But, while I'm in school I don't want to do work. Wasn't completely ready to come back but, it was about that time to get through the last month. That's how my spring break went. How about yours?

Leading Discussion

On Tuesday's English class me and my group led discussion.Our discussion was about taking advantage of all opportunities.We showed 2 of the smartest kids in the world. The class responded like I expected. We tried to figure out who was in college just to have a better paying job and who was here strictly for education. It turned out most people are here just to have a higher paying job. So if we didn't get a degree for coming to college, how many of us would really still attend? Probably none of us. So are we in school for the wrong reasons?

Monday, March 11, 2013

Global Education Skills Alliance

                      In class we had a guest speaker by the name of Mark Harris, who is President and CEO of G.E.S.A. He came to our class to talk about "G.E.S.A" (Global Education Skills Alliance). From my understanding G.E.S.A is a program that is used to help students study abroad also to help cut the cost of studying abroad also provides internships and employment opportunities. I was interested in hearing what Mr.Harris had to say because, I always wanted to travel the world. G.E.S.A provides some once in a lifetime opportunities. Mr.Harris said that we could go some study abroad trips that is a whole 4 months (A whole school semester). G.E.S.A's website will launch on April 1st, 2013. Yes that is April Fool's day but that wasn't a joke. Mr.Harris is from Australia so we learned some unique things. Like, they drive on the opposite side of the road, a brand new car there can cost up to 90,000 dollars, and there minimum wage is almost 20 dollars an hour. But there will be a G.E.S.A meeting on March 14,2013 so come attend! You may never know where this can take you!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Felt sense

In English class we did an assignment to try and get in touch with our "felt sense". The reason for this assignment was to get us to write freely and possibly come up with a topic  for our "Crime and Punishment" paper. To me it wasn't helpful because I already knew my topic, but I did the assignment anyway. I'm not saying that this is a waste of time because it didn't help me this time. Some people in the class thought it was helpful. So next time it might help me. Overall it was a good assignment and helped me get some things off my mind and let my mind wonder.

Monday, February 25, 2013


In Professor Sweeney’s English class we talked about an article we read in the New Yorker entitled “Shootings” by Adam Gopnik. This article was about the “Gun Law” in America and one of the examples they used was the Virginia Tech shooting. After the deadly shooting at Virginia Tech police officers were cleaning up the dead bodies from around the campus. All they could hear was the ringing cell phones of the students who were killed. We can only imagine the feelings running through the police officers because they knew who was on the other side of the phones. They knew it was families trying to make sure their children were ok. However after no answer the families knew that the child was one of those unfortunate students who were killed. Then the big question came up. Why was an obviously disturbed student with a history of a mental illness allowed to purchase a gun whose intention was to kill? Yes, this probably could’ve been prevented if America had stricter gun laws. However I don’t know what side I agree with because guns don’t kill people but people kill people. So even if all the guns were gone would that stop us from killing? Probably not, I was told that hurt people hurt people. So there is no doubt in my mind that it was something hurting in that person that killed all those Virginia Tech students. This article brought up my question. Could the horrific shooting that occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary School been prevented by the same way the Virginia Tech shooting could have been prevented ? 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Topic Selection

                  In Professor Sweeney class we picked topics for our second paper "Crime and Punishment" We filled up the board with a lot of subtopics. I find this very helpful. I usually have a hard time picking topics of such a broad topic. Doing this in class exposes me to ideas I would've never thought about. It also gives me the opportunity to hear everyone's opinion. It makes  my paper easier to write because of the debates we have in class, gives me the 2 sides to write about in my argumentative research paper. So I think that this is a very helpful tool, and we should continue to use it.